

  • Meal replacement shake with an incredible taste
  • With milk protein, calcium caseinate and whey protein
  • Satisfies hunger
  • Low glycemic carbohydrates
  • Low calorie
  • With additional CLA,
  • Taurine and L-Carnitine
  • Contains extra ber
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Shape shake, the shake for losing weight !
Shape Shake is a high quality protein/carb shake that will keep you feeling full for a long time. It’s the most effective meal you can have to support a weight loss program and boost your fatburning proces!
Why choose for Shape Shake ?

Shape Shake multi-source protein blend contains milk protein and protein isolate. Milk proteins have all 9 essential amino acids required by humans and are bioavailable.
There are 2 major categories of milk protein that are broadly defined by their chemical composition and physical properties; the casein family and the whey protein family.

Calcium caseinate is a protein derived from the casein in milk. Calcium Caseinate can help maintain, restore, and build muscle mass. Whey protein is a mixture of beta-lactoglobulin, alpha-lactalbumin, bovine serum albumin and immunoglobins.
These valuable fractions support the immune system, assist recovery and boost essential amino acid content. Whey protein also may improve the quality of weight loss by helping you lose more fat and/or maintain more lean muscle.

Recent research indicates that protein is more thermogenic than carbs or fat and that high protein diets support satiety compared to low protein diets.

Shape Shake is more than just a great tasting protein, it also contains C.L.A, taurine, carnitine and bers. C.L.A. (Conjugated Linoleic Acid) belongs to the omega family of fatty acids, which perform vital functions in the body, may be beneficial in numerous health conditions, including heart disease and cancer, and may reduce body fat. Taurine is the amino acid of anxiety control and stress management because it will lower cortisol and helps people sleep better. It also improves athletic performance and reaction time, making it useful for athletes. It supports insulin health, can help prevent diabetes, and elevates energy production. L-Carnitine is a nutrient that helps the body break down fat and turn it into energy. It also increases the activity of certain nerve cells in the central nervous system. L-Carnitine is an amino acid naturally produced by the body in the liver and kidneys and stored in the skeletal muscles, heart, brain and sperm. Fiber may help lower total blood cholesterol levels by lowering low-density lipoprotein, or “bad,” cholesterol levels and tends to make a meal feel larger and linger longer, so you stay full for a greater amount of time.

The creamy Shape Shake of FunctionalZ contains low glycemic carbohydrates, it mixes easily and tastes incredible!With only 102calories per serving, you can enjoy your shake with a clear conscience. Combined with a proper diet and exercises, Shape Shake will help you achieve your goals.

Additional information

Weight 0,900 kg



cafe latte, chocolate, vanilla


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